10 Things You Can Change in 10 Minutes

In today’s day and age, society measures success by its results and how fast they are achieved. Amazon is seen by many as one of the most prosperous businesses in the entire world. One of the reasons for that is how instantaneously they are able to deliver their products to your doorstep from the moment you click “purchase”. 

10 Things You Can Change in 10 Minutes

With the world being so eager and result-oriented, here are 10 things that you can do that will manifest results in just 10 minutes.

1. Mindset

There are plenty of quick 10 minute methods used to help improve your mindset. Meditation is one of those techniques that has been proven to immediately benefit your mindset.

“Meditation and mindfulness induce a heightened state of awareness and focused attention.” -Kayt Sukel via BrainFacts

Taking 10 minutes of solitude to complete this task is crucial for assisting people in focusing their attention on what is of most importance. Simply sitting in silence or with blissful, soft, background noise (i.e. waves crashing or meditation music) while breathing in a calm, natural manner can bring you to a state of clarity.

2. Resume

Updating your resume is important in terms of progressing in your career. Being able to have your resume catch the eye of those looking over it is a necessity in getting hired. Zety revealed in a recent study that resumes get an average gloss over time of six seconds by those in charge of hiring. Making new resumes or simply updating them is easier now than ever. Signing onto a website such as https://www.resumebuilder.com/ gives you access to a plethora of templates to choose from to make a resume that will stand out to your potential employers. The site is very user-friendly and hands you the tools to wow the people you send it to.

3. Schedule

Creating a schedule can maximize your efficiency with the time you may have outside of work. Crafting a weekly schedule of when your errands, tasks, or priorities will be completed helps form a sense of how your week may unfold. You can quickly create this on your phone and set reminders so that any obligations that need to be tended to don’t slip your mind. Make yourself a quick schedule to avoid any fret over failing to get what you wanted done over the course of the week.

4. Diet

With the power of technology, finding a new and healthy diet is much simpler than it ever was before. Just giving a Google search for “most effective diet” can serve life-changing results. Websites such as healthline.com focus on sharing healthy diets, giving you all kinds of interesting diets that have the potential to make you look and feel better. Trying a new diet is something that you can start immediately and the information needed to find the best diet for you can be found in a matter of seconds.

5. Sense of Clutter

Having a dirty and unorganized work area can serve as a huge hindrance. A chaotic area, surprisingly, has a direct effect on your focus and productivity. Mohit Tater explains this further in his “How Clutter Impacts Your Work Productivity” article:

“Clutter prevents productivity and growth, which often makes one feel stagnant in the workplace.”-Mohit Tater via Entrepreneurship Life

Taking the 5 or 10 minutes needed to clean your office or workplace can immediately help open your mind, making this vital in the sense of being productive. A clean and organized office area will show instant results in terms of your work.

6. Workout Routine

Diet is said to serve as 70 percent of a healthy lifestyle while the remaining 30 percent stems from exercise. An impactful workout routine can be discovered just as fast as finding a potent diet. Search up “best workout routines” instead of “most effective diets” and the process of finding a workout routine for you will run just as smoothly. Coach is a fitness website that published a blog recommending effective workout routines that focus on multiple areas of the body. Technology makes finding a workout routine that is right for you easier and much more accessible.

7. How You Visualize Your Goals

How to find your purpose in life or Visualizing your life goals is essential to your journey of turning them into a reality. Creating a vision board is a fantastic way of doing so. This is something you can make particularly fast and easy. All you need is any sort of board or space and a printer so you can print pictures. To make the activity even faster, you can just use a google doc or collage application and make your board virtually. Find photos that represent short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. Short term goals can be any sort of objective within the next year. Mid-term goals can be anything you’re striving to achieve one to three years from now. Long-term goals are typically the bigger aspirations you plan to accomplish between the three to five-year range. Along with the pictures that remind you of these goals, decorating the blank spots of your canvas with motivational pictures or quotes is something most people tend to do, so they can get fired up when marveling at their creation. 

8. Appearance

Changing your appearance can give you a sense of refreshment, and the start of a new chapter. This can be done by styling your hair differently or wearing a different style of clothing that is not your average arsenal, etc. Pinterest is a good source to quickly find a style of appearance that is appealing to you. Making this change can ultimately raise your level of confidence in yourself.

9. Your Playlist

Music is an outlet everyone tends to use to express or enhance their emotions. Changing your playlist to songs that motivate you can lead to an increase in productivity. WebEx reported that 90% of workers perform better overall when jamming to some tunes. Making your playlist new and fresh can renew that drive and you’ll be able to notice the effect it has on you right away.

10. Savings Method

Having a method to establish your savings is monumental. Savings plays a big role in preparing for any unexpected and pricey emergencies. Your keep away cash is also crucial in making large investments, such as buying a house or going on a vacation. Changing your method to saving can be easy, quick, and efficient. An application called Acorn makes it easy to where you don’t even realize you are putting away cash into your savings with every purchase you make. The app creates savings account for you and rounds all of your purchases up to the nearest dollar. The change you used to round your purchase up is sent into the savings account, meaning you are actually saving money while you are spending it. For example, if I spent $10.30, then Acorn would round my purchase up to $11 even. The app would take the extra $0.70  and transfer it to the savings account automatically. This quick and easy method can help you rack up quick cash in your rainy day fund.


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