Finding Clarity in Chaos

2020 has brought some unexpected challenges to every single person around the world. While we in March were still wiping down every amazon package and would leave it outside on the doorstep for about three hours to make sure all the germs were gone, we now know a little more about the way the virus spreads and are desperately craving for some normalcy in a world that has turned upside down. Everything we once considered to be “normal” suddenly flipped on its head. Daily routines became distant remembrances, and the chaos of the new normal obfuscated the clarity of the day. During these special times, finding clarity in chaos is more important than ever. 

How exactly do you find clarity in chaos though? Do you know these moments when you feel like you can’t breathe anymore because you don’t know where to start or even how to start? Everything seems to be overwhelming, and even though your “to-do list” gets longer and longer you can’t start checking off the first task? 

If you have ever felt that, the following steps might help you find clarity in chaos:

1. Stop

Try to get everything out of your head that is worrying you, causing stress or grief. Dump out every behavior you want to halt. Write down everything that bothers you on a big piece of paper to get it symbolically off your chest.

The fact that you disrupted these thoughts, put them out of your mind onto a sheet, gives you the opportunity to stop for a moment and get some clarity on what is keeping you awake at night.

2. Breathe

Good! You got some things off your chest. Now it’s time to breathe. Slow down and breathe in some fresh air. No one is perfect. No one has everything under control all the time. You are not alone. So, sit down and breathe!

3. Slow down and spend time with yourself 

Racing through your day every day seven times a week? Having everything planned out? Checking social media during the five minutes you have in between meetings? SLOW DOWN! Again, BREATHE and then SPEND TIME WITH YOURSELF. Yes, exactly! Spend time with yourself and without your phone next to you. Just give yourself 10 minutes a day that you spend with yourself only. It could be 10 minutes, a dinner, a good movie, or even a road trip by yourself. You will see that you will get better at it. The more you spend time with yourself the better you will get at it and ask yourself how come you had never done it before. You can still be a social butterfly and see your friends or family but try to take that time just for yourself. “Alone time,” as some call it, will allow you to step back, reassess, and find some clarity in chaos. Your mind will thank you and you will see how much fun you are!

After spending more time with yourself you will be able to be a better listener. A better listener to your body, mind and soul.

4. Honor what feels right

Allowing yourself to listen to what is on your mind will give you the chance to see what feels right! Embrace that feeling! Don’t spend any thoughts on the negative things in your life. Remember, you got them all off your chest in the first step. Focus on what is feeling right and not on what is bringing you down! Does watching the news give you anxiety? Limit your access to the news, turn off your push notification! Try to focus on the good things that have happened to you throughout the day! Before going to bed at night, tell yourself three positive things that have happened throughout the day. It could be a smile from another person, a nice chat, a compliment; whatever crosses your mind. Even if you really have nothing positive to say about the day: hey, you made it through that crappy day, isn’t that awesome? You can be proud of yourself and honor what feels right!

Life is a challenge and a constant one. But aren’t challenges also fun? Shifting your focus from negative to positive thoughts can change your whole being! Instead of being mad at the guy who just took your parking spot, be like “yay, I will be able to get some more steps in!” Instead of being frustrated about your boss’ opinion about your work, embrace that different opinion and learn from it. Yay, I have learned something.  Flip negativity upside down and turn it into positivity and your body, your mind and your soul will thank you big time!



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