Ten Habits to Adopt to Help you Start to Redesign your Life

 Have you ever woken up one day, and decided that your life wasn’t what you wanted it to be? Maybe you aren’t in a healthy relationship, or you don’t have the job that you have always wanted. Whatever the reason is, it’s not too late. You can start the process of redesigning your life now, and I have some of the top ten habits to add to your daily life to help you to reach your goals and find your passion and purpose in life. 

Find your passion and purpose in life

Step One: Taking Care of Your body.

I am sure that many of you have heard someone say that your body is a temple, or that it’s the home for your soul while you’re here. I won’t say that it is, or that it isn’t, but what I will say is that while you’re here in this life your body is the only one that you are going to get, so you might as well take care of it. Make sure that you give yourself time to rest, and to drink plenty of water. The healthier your body is, the stronger, and more focused you can become. Plus, just think about all of the potential amounts of energy that you can have if you take care of yourself properly. 

Step Two: Creating Routines.  

I have always believed that having a routine is a healthy habit to have. Being able to know what the day has in store for you (at least to the best of your abilities) can allow you to have less stress throughout the day. Adding new things to your day can really help. I start each day I wake up with a routine. I wake up, and I spend at least ten minutes curled up with my fiancé and my cats. I know that might sound silly, or even pointless to some, but for me it helps me to prepare for whatever I have planned for the day. If I miss out on those few minutes of relaxing and cuddling, it honestly sets me into a whole new mood for the rest of the day. Having a routine helps you to start, and end the day in a positive way. 

Step Three: Learn to Let Go. 

There are times in life where you will have no choice but to learn to let it go. I know that this can be a really hard one. Learning to let go of the hurt and the pain, or the situations that you just simply have no control over regardless of how hard you fight against it isn’t easy. Especially if that pain is a factor in making you into the person that you are in this moment. The idea of letting go doesn’t always have to be emotional either, it can also be physical. Maybe you have piles of things that you’re having trouble letting go of, but they no longer serve a purpose in you’re life. It’s okay to let it go. 

Step Four: Surround Yourself with Good People. 

Surrounding yourself with people that support you, and who love you regardless of your past or imperfections is important. Be with the people that bring out the best in you, the people that are goal-oriented. The ones who have big dreams, and go for them. Those are the types of people that can help you along your journey of making your life better. 

Step Five: Do Things that you Love, and That Make you Happy. 

This one is definitely a given. You have to learn to find the time to do the things that you love to do. Do what makes you happy. You are given this one life to live, and you should be able to enjoy the moments that you have in it. I am always so busy, it honestly feels like there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything that needs to be finished done. However, regardless of how busy I am, I try to find the time to do something that makes me happy. Even if it’s just for an hour, it’s still worth it. You have to allow yourself the time to be able to relax and recharge. 

Step Six: Learn to Forgive Yourself. 

I will say this time and time again, the lives that we live in are not always easy. There will be times that you fail, or make mistakes, and that is okay. No one is perfect. When these moments happen, please do not stay there. Get back up, and keep going. If you can forgive someone you love for the same mistakes, then you can forgive yourself as well. 

Step Seven: Learn to Celebrate you. 

This is a must-have for everyone. Learn to celebrate you. Be proud of how far you have come, be proud of everything that you have had the chance to accomplish so far. If you went and got that college degree that you have worked so hard towards getting, then the way to go you! And if you have been having a really hard time lately, and you were able to get out of bed today to eat, then the way to go you! It doesn’t matter how big or small the accomplishment is, it’s the fact that you did it. You made it another day, and that in itself is something to celebrate. You are something to celebrate and don’t you ever forget it. 

Step Eight: Push Yourself. 

I feel like this step is also pretty important. You have to be able to know when to push yourself. If you’re scared to step outside of your comfort zone, that’s okay, but try to push yourself to do it anyway. Some of the best memories that you will get the chance to make in this life will happen from these moments. You don’t want to live your whole life with what if’s and regrets. Push through the doubts, and the self regrets. I know that it isn’t easy, trust me I do. Typing this blog is one of those moments for me, where I pushed myself out of my comfort zone. I was truly terrified to write for the world to see, but I did it anyway. Believe in yourself, and you will go so far in this life.

 Step Nine: Learn from Failure. 

I will probably say this in just about every blog that I write…It. Is. Okay. To. Fail. No one expects you to get everything right all of the time. If they do, then they are completely unreasonable, because we are all humans, and mistakes and failures are a given. Sometimes failure is the best way to learn the lessons that we need to know. 

Step Ten: Learn to help others achieve their goals. 

I would like to end these steps on a positive note. I honestly believe that one of the best ways to help yourself is to help the other people around you. We all need to learn to lift each other up when we fall and to cheer in each other’s corners as we work towards bettering ourselves. Being able to be there for someone else when they need it, can be one of the most fulfilling feels ever. 

Regardless of what brought you to this blog post, you have a decision to make. You have to choose to want to make these habits a part of your daily life. To try and stop doing what no longer benefits you, and your happiness. Creating new habits that can help you to reach your goals in life is worth all of the work, because if we only have one life to live, why not live the best life possible? 


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