
Showing posts from January, 2021

Increasing Productivity in your Life

 One lesson the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us is that time is a finite resource. Life isn’t infinite, and if you subtract sleep alone, the time to live consciously is not that much. Balancing life and work becomes even more challenging when countless responsibilities pile onto you. If you are someone who likes both taking on several projects at once and having enough time to enjoy yourself, you’re probably wondering: how can I increase productivity in my life? Many corporate gurus will probably say that you need to sidetrack everything else, make work your absolute priority, or even extend your workday beyond regular hours. Then use however much time remains to do whatever you do to let off some steam. But what if I told you that that approach is backward? Increase Productivity by Doing Less That’s right. At first glance, productivity and doing less might sound like oxymorons. But here’s the catch: if you do less throughout the day, you can do more within a shorter time frame. Le...

10 Things You Can Change in 10 Minutes

In today’s day and age, society measures success by its results and how fast they are achieved. Amazon is seen by many as one of the most prosperous businesses in the entire world. One of the reasons for that is how instantaneously they are able to deliver their products to your doorstep from the moment you click “purchase”.  With the world being so eager and result-oriented, here are 10 things that you can do that will manifest results in just 10 minutes. 1. Mindset There are plenty of quick 10 minute methods used to help improve your mindset. Meditation is one of those techniques that has been proven to immediately benefit your mindset. “Meditation and mindfulness induce a heightened state of awareness and focused attention.” -Kayt Sukel via BrainFacts Taking 10 minutes of solitude to complete this task is crucial for assisting people in focusing their attention on what is of most importance. Simply sitting in silence or with blissful, soft, background noise (i.e. waves crashing ...