
Showing posts from December, 2020

Ten Habits to Adopt to Help you Start to Redesign your Life

 Have you ever woken up one day, and decided that your life wasn’t what you wanted it to be? Maybe you aren’t in a healthy relationship, or you don’t have the job that you have always wanted. Whatever the reason is, it’s not too late. You can start the process of redesigning your life now, and I have some of the top ten habits to add to your daily life to help you to reach your goals and  find your passion and purpose in life .   Step One: Taking Care of Your body. I am sure that many of you have heard someone say that your body is a temple, or that it’s the home for your soul while you’re here. I won’t say that it is, or that it isn’t, but what I will say is that while you’re here in this life your body is the only one that you are going to get, so you might as well take care of it. Make sure that you give yourself time to rest, and to drink plenty of water. The healthier your body is, the stronger, and more focused you can become. Plus, just think about all of the poten...